#Birmingham #JQ #LiveryStreet & old car on #GibsonGraphics. Framed art prints ready to buy. #brum #heritage #Brum
P H O T O G R A P H E R / P H O T O R E S E A R C H E R
piątek, 2 września 2016
czwartek, 1 września 2016
GibsonGraphics - Nature series collage
"If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and
hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got
to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in
the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more
laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that." #EllenDeGeneres
#GibsonGraphics - exhibition as a part of Birmingham Heritage Week
Yesterday at 1000 Trades I put on the wall a few of my #graphics with #Birmingham architecture as a part of Birmingham Heritage Week!
Exhibition curator: Tina Francis
So, now you can pop in there and choose which one of my graphics would
you like to have on your own wall :)) All of them and many more
available to buy. More at www.barbaragibson.pl
barbara gibson,
Birmingham Heritage Week,
Jewellery Qarter,
środa, 31 sierpnia 2016
#GibsonGraphics - 1st collage exhibition
My 1st #collage #exhibition at @Diplomatbarista just put on the wall! Please visit us #Birmingham #GibsonGraphics
poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2016
Kate MacGarry: Samson Kambalu at Liverpool Biennial 2016
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Samson Kambalu, Pickpocket, (film still), 2013. Courtesy the artist and Kate MacGarry Gallery |
Samson Kambalu at Liverpool Biennial 2016
Tate Liverpool: 9 July – 16 October 2016
Albert Dock
Liverpool Waterfront
L3 4BB (Map)
w: tate.org.uk/visit/tate-liverpool
Zofia Chomętowska. Albumy fotografki
Karolina Puchała-Rojek
Anna Kotańska, Anna Topolska
Anna Kotańska, Anna Topolska
Zofia Chomętowska. Albumy fotografki
Archiwum fotografii Zofii Chomętowskiej znajduje się dziś w dwóch
zbiorach – Muzeum Warszawy (zdjęcia stolicy przedwojennej, wojennej i
tużpowojennej) oraz Fundacji Archeologia Fotografii (zdjęcia z
rodzinnego Polesia oraz z życia na emigracji w Argentynie).
W nowym, wspólnym wydawnictwie obu instytucji archiwum zostało
scalone, by po raz pierwszy w pełni ukazać niezwykły życiorys
Chomętowskiej – fotografki, kobiety niezależnej, odważnej i
nowoczesnej. Publikacja składa się z 597 zdjęć zebranych w czterech
albumach: Entuzjastka (1912–1935), Profesjonalistka (1936–1944), Dokumentalistka (1945) i Emigrantka (1946–1981).
Odsłaniają one kolejne etapy biografii i silnie z nią związanej
twórczości artystki, warunkowanej realiami politycznymi oraz
poszukiwaniem odpowiadających im środków wyrazu. Podjęty przez
autorki trud identyfikacji osób i miejsc utrwalonych na zdjęciach
wydobywa rozmach, z jakim żyła aktywna zawodowo, atrakcyjna towarzysko,
kosmopolityczna arystokratka oraz ukazuje dynamiczny fresk historyczny
rozpięty pomiędzy Prochońskiem, Warszawą i Buenos Aires, obejmujący
blisko siedemdziesiąt lat.
Wydawcy: Muzeum Warszawy, Fundacja Archeologia Fotografii
Premiera książki: maj 2016.
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fot.Zofia Chomętowska |
czwartek, 11 sierpnia 2016
Photography Tip: One Camera, One Lens
by Dan Milnor in Dan Milnor, Photography Tips
I still prefer film. This reality prompts many questions about why I
would prefer something considered outdated by many in my former
profession. I prefer film for a variety of reasons. The lifestyle is
fantastic because film doesn’t require computer time. I also love the
old cameras I get to use, like my 47-year-old Leica M4, but what I truly
love the most about film are the limitations that come with it.
Photographer Edward Mapplethorpe reclaims his famous name
the 1980s, photographer Robert Mapplethorpe became a prominent figure
in New York City's sub-culture of artists and performers. His younger
sibling, Edward, a budding photographer himself, grew up idolizing his
mysterious and exciting older brother. But the two parted ways in a
nasty split, which sent Edward into a downward spiral motored by drug
addiction. He rebounded, and is now creating his own artistic legacy.
Serena Altschul reports.
Julia Margaret Cameron
Julia Margaret Cameron’s photographs were smudged, smeared, out of focus – and ahead of their time. via BBC Culture http://ow.ly/yWg33036Rs4
Alternative Photography: Working with a View Camera
To photograph in film is one old thing, to photograph with a view camera
is another level of vintage, and the effort is worth it. If you’re
thinking of upgrading your analogue skills to large format photography,
start off with the view camera — a camera obscura introduced in the late 19th century.
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