czwartek, 1 września 2016

GibsonGraphics - Nature series collage

"If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that." #EllenDeGeneres

#GibsonGraphics - exhibition as a part of Birmingham Heritage Week

Yesterday at 1000 Trades I put on the wall a few of my #graphics with #Birmingham architecture as a part of Birmingham Heritage Week!
Exhibition curator: Tina Francis
So, now you can pop in there and choose which one of my graphics would you like to have on your own wall :)) All of them and many more available to buy. More at
#Birmingham #GibsonGraphics

poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2016

Kate MacGarry: Samson Kambalu at Liverpool Biennial 2016

Samson Kambalu, Pickpocket, (film still), 2013. Courtesy the artist and Kate MacGarry Gallery              
Kate MacGarry, London.

Samson Kambalu at Liverpool Biennial 2016

Tate Liverpool: 9 July – 16 October 2016
Albert Dock
Liverpool Waterfront
L3 4BB (Map)


Zofia Chomętowska. Albumy fotografki

Karolina Puchała-Rojek
Anna Kotańska, Anna Topolska

Zofia Chomętowska. Albumy fotografki 

Archiwum fotografii Zofii Chomętowskiej znajduje się dziś w dwóch zbiorach – Muzeum Warszawy (zdjęcia stolicy przedwojennej, wojennej i tużpowojennej) oraz Fundacji Archeologia Fotografii (zdjęcia z rodzinnego Polesia oraz z życia na emigracji w Argentynie).
W nowym, wspólnym wydawnictwie obu instytucji archiwum zostało scalone, by po raz pierwszy w pełni ukazać niezwykły życiorys Chomętowskiej – fotografki, kobiety niezależnej, odważnej i nowoczesnej. Publikacja składa się z 597 zdjęć zebranych w czterech albumach: Entuzjastka (1912–1935), Profesjonalistka (1936–1944), Dokumentalistka (1945) i Emigrantka (1946–1981). Odsłaniają one kolejne etapy biografii i silnie z nią związanej twórczości artystki, warunkowanej realiami politycznymi oraz poszukiwaniem odpowiadających im środków wyrazu. Podjęty przez autorki trud identyfikacji osób i miejsc utrwalonych na zdjęciach wydobywa rozmach, z jakim żyła aktywna zawodowo, atrakcyjna towarzysko, kosmopolityczna arystokratka oraz ukazuje dynamiczny fresk historyczny rozpięty pomiędzy Prochońskiem, Warszawą i Buenos Aires, obejmujący blisko siedemdziesiąt lat.

Wydawcy: Muzeum Warszawy, Fundacja Archeologia Fotografii

fot.Zofia Chomętowska

czwartek, 11 sierpnia 2016

Photography Tip: One Camera, One Lens

by Dan Milnor in Dan Milnor, Photography Tips

I still prefer film. This reality prompts many questions about why I would prefer something considered outdated by many in my former profession. I prefer film for a variety of reasons. The lifestyle is fantastic because film doesn’t require computer time. I also love the old cameras I get to use, like my 47-year-old Leica M4, but what I truly love the most about film are the limitations that come with it.


Photographer Edward Mapplethorpe reclaims his famous name

|In the 1980s, photographer Robert Mapplethorpe became a prominent figure in New York City's sub-culture of artists and performers. His younger sibling, Edward, a budding photographer himself, grew up idolizing his mysterious and exciting older brother. But the two parted ways in a nasty split, which sent Edward into a downward spiral motored by drug addiction. He rebounded, and is now creating his own artistic legacy. Serena Altschul reports.


Julia Margaret Cameron

Julia Margaret Cameron’s photographs were smudged, smeared, out of focus – and ahead of their time. via BBC Culture


Alternative Photography: Working with a View Camera

To photograph in film is one old thing, to photograph with a view camera is another level of vintage, and the effort is worth it. If you’re thinking of upgrading your analogue skills to large format photography, start off with the view camera — a camera obscura introduced in the late 19th century.

 More HERE

Always read your contracts!

"While the second agreement was more fair to the photographer, it’s notable that Condé Nast tried to get the photographer to sign an unfair agreement in the first place and only offered the photographer a more equitable agreement when they stood up for their rights."

More HERE 
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:
Posted by Conor Risch on Thursday August 11, 2016 | Business, Copyright/Legal - See more at:

Professional Photography Mag - August Issue

The August issue of Professional Photography magazine is now on sale, featuring a celebratory 12-page retrospective on the King of Kink, Helmut Newton (official). Also find an exclusive interview with Magnum Photos' Magnum Photos Alex Webb, an insight into the National Portrait Gallery's seminal William Eggleston, and the story of Richard Avedon's master printer, Ruedi Hofmann, interviewed by Richard Corman Photography.
Hear the story behind a Michael Freeman image with tension, and 'that' Nirvana album cover.
Also find a debate on whether photography competitions are your golden ticket to success, a special report on droneography and last but not least, Pinterest: a photographer's friend or foe.


Brighton Photo Biennial 2016

Brighton Photo Biennial is the UK’s leading curated photography festival and promotes new thinking around photography through a commissioned programme of events and exhibitions.


poniedziałek, 1 sierpnia 2016

A collection of fascinating articles on photography

There’s an inherent mystery to the art of photography. We often think of artists as controlling their materials directly: using their hands, they shape stone, trace ink, or apply paint. But photographers seem to work in a more oblique and indirect way, by capturing, staging, or framing reality. In the best photographs, real life merges with the world of art.

How is that magic accomplished? This week, we take you behind the lens with a collection of pieces about the art and craft of photography. There are profiles of Diane Arbus, Richard Avedon, Nan Goldin, Robert Mapplethorpe, Cindy Sherman, and Edward Steichen. Susan Sontag writes on how photography shapes our view of war; Janet Malcolm explores the question of how “realistic” a photograph can (or should) be. We hope you enjoy these glimpses of the photographer’s quest to, as Malcolm puts it, uncover a “work of art in the mess and flux of life.”
—Erin Overbey and Joshua Rothman, archivists

More HERE 

Film News: FujiFilm Discontinuations

Sad news over the weekend from FujiFilm as they have made another announcement on their Japanese website. As we all know, these announcements are almost never good news. Unfortunately this one is no different, as FujiFilm have this time cut several multipacks and some sheet film from their already stripped range.

Photo by

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Portraits Of Celebrities Taken By Irving Penn

Extraordinary Black And White Portraits Of Celebrities Taken By Irving Penn
Photo by Irving Penn

Fujifilm wycofuje ze sprzedaży kolejne filmy

Photo by Fotopolis
Życie osób fotografujących analogami nie należy do łatwych. Średnio kilka razy do roku słyszymy o wycofywaniu z produkcji różnych materiałów światłoczułych. Teraz, kolejne filmy ze swojej oferty wycofuje Fujifilm.
Fujifilm z pewnością nie cieszy się ostatnio popularnością wśród osób zainteresowanych fotografią analogową. Wszyscy dobrze pamiętamy jeszcze sprawę z wiosny tego roku, gdy firma postanowiła zaprzestać produkcji ostatniego materiału natychmiastowego typu peel-apart na rynku - FP-100c. Mimo petycji i usilnych starań o uratowanie filmu, przedstawiciele Fujifilm pozostali nieugięci. W ostatni weekend z Japonii napłynęły kolejne smutne wieści.


Warsztaty fotografii ulicznej

Photo by Tomasz Kulbowski
Zapraszamy na autorskie warsztaty, prowadzone przez Tomasza Kulbowskiego, w weekend 12-14.08.2016 w Lublinie. Będzie to kreatywne spotkanie, podczas którego Tomasz podzieli się z Wami swoimi doświadczeniami i przemyśleniami na temat fotografii ulicznej, a także praktyczną wiedzą. Tomasz zajmuje się fotografią uliczną od około 10 lat. Od tego czasu rzadko wychodzi z domu bez aparatu. Wierzy w wartość autorskiej dokumentacji rzeczywistości i rozwijanie osobistej, kreatywnej percepcji oraz wrażliwości wizualnej poprzez fotografię uliczną. Tomasz od zajmuje się promocją fotografii ulicznej i dokumentalnej, poprzez własną twórzczość, projekt Eastreet, a także poprzez warsztaty prowadzone w Polsce i poza granicami, z różnymi grupami, samodzielnie oraz wspólnie z innymi prowadzącymi ( w kooperacji z WorkshopX). Obecnie realizowaną formułę doskonalił na ostatnich warsztatach w Mołdawii, Chorwacji oraz Tajlandii i uważa ją za najbardziej kompletną i efektywną.



My images from ‪#‎latinoamerica‬ at Creativepool

© Barbara Gibson

© Barbara Gibson

niedziela, 26 czerwca 2016


my new collage

"Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering ‪#‎SteveMaraboli‬

Bill Cunningham: Facades

"Fashion is the armour to survive the reality of everyday life. I don’t think you could do away with it. It would be like doing away with civilization" – Bill Cunningham
At the very sad news of his passing, we revisit an early series of work by the pioneering fashion photographer.

Editta Sherman on the subway, 1968-1976Photography by Bill Cunningham, Courtesy of New-York Historical Society, Gift of Bill Cunningham

R.I.P to the legendary Bill Cunningham

R.I.P to the legendary Bill Cunningham and his blue coat... He kept it real before keeping it real existed. A true photographer!

Phobo by Film's not Dead

Educating the Eye: Looking Back With Marc Riboud

środa, 22 czerwca 2016

RIP Fan Ho /1931-2016/

"Master photographer Fan Ho died of pneumonia on Sunday, June 19th, 2016, at a hospital in San Jose, California. He was 84 years old."

One Person who has won more than 280 International awards right from the 1956, it cant be none other than Fan Ho. A fellow of almost all of the leading Photographic Societies in the world.
He was a versatile artist trying his hands on film making and many other mediums. He was born in Shanghai, China in 1937. It was the Rolleiflex camera gifted by his father which was used in his early days. He developed his pictures in the bathtub. It was a gallery owner who brought Fan’s work to limelight.

© Fan Ho  
 More HERE

niedziela, 12 czerwca 2016

FAPA 2016 - my work nominated in Cityscape Category!

In 2016 Fine Art Photography Awards received more than 3994 submissions from 83 countries around the world. Winners were selected by highly acclaimed panel of international judges, including: Qingjun Huang, Carolyn Guild, Klaus Kampert, Pini Hamou, Rupert Vandervell, Pongsatorn Sukhum, Kilian Schönberger, Peter Kool, Lara Zankoul and GMB Akash.

ok... so this is Sunday! No, I do not lie in my garden (although still with my whiskey + coke) - I rather create a new content for my commission. And here it is! A wonderful news saying that my work had been nominated in this year Fine Art Photography Awards competition in Cityscape category. Really pleased<3

The whole series nominated HERE