wtorek, 29 października 2013

Workshop in Kolkata – March 2014

© Aleksander Bochenek / Chhandak Pradhan
Interesting opportunity by the workshopX team! I highly recommend working with these guys, they have huge experience, practical knowledge, are highly devoted to whatever they do and they are fun and good people too! There are many workshops in India on the market, but I can't remember one that would be prepared in such details and focused on a very specific targets. If you want to build a portfolio, create a complete story, gain experience, learn about editing or specifics and logistics of working on bigger projects - you might want to consider March in Kolkata. Places are limited!
Info w PL: http://www.workshopx.org/warsztaty-dokumentalne-w-kalkucie-marzec-2014/
Why Kolkata? Because it’s a place which doesn’t leave anybody indifferent. This huge melting pot of races, religions and cultures – where at the skyscrapers’ feet flows a stream of scenes known from the medieval paintings and the most luxurious cars of the world roam the streets marked with mud and feces – attacks all the senses at once. Man pulled rickshaws, open air workshops, makeshift factories and stalls, countless human crowds, goats, cows and yellow taxi cabs – it all pulses together in a street procession that never ends, passing through heat, sweat and exhaust fumes mixed with the omnipresent smell of spices. Kolkata is India condensed within a very strong pill, which opens your eyes for things you weren’t aware of before. It’s an experience that can change the way you see the whole world.
To take this strong dose of sensations and experiences may be a challenge, but for those who dare to try it, awaits a great reward – stepping into the whole realm of unique microcosms vibrating within one living metropolis.

© Aleksander Bochenek / Chhandak Pradhan
Ciekawa propozycja od ekipy WorkshopX! Bardzo polecam pracę z nimi - mają wiedzę, doświadczenie, są oddani temu co robią i do tego są fajnymi ludźmi! Na rynku jest trochę warsztatów w Indiach, ale nie pamiętam drugiego tak dopracowanego i zorientowanego na tak konkretne cele. Jeśli chcesz zbudować portfolio, stworzyć fotoreportaż, zdobyć doświadczenie, nauczyć się edycji lub specyfiki i logistyki pracy nad większymi projektami - rozważ marzec w Kalkucie. Ilość miejsc ograniczona! 

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